Sunday, September 23, 2007

Oshii-like Thinking, part 1

In the book Tachiguishi, Kakukatariki (on Oshii's film Tachiguishi Retsuden), there is an interesting feature on the inside of the dust jacket. Titled "Verification * Oshii Mamoru-like Thinking / Like or Dislike - 42 Questions" (Kenshou * Oshii Mamoru teki shikou / Suki or kirai - 42 no shitsumon), it's a list of 42 things that Oshii either likes or dislikes, followed by a short explanation of why.

As a way of inaugurating this blog, I'll be translating these items and Oshii's responses. I don't know if I'll post one each day, although that's the ideal. (On the other hand, given my previous track record with blogs, I wouldn't count on such punctual updates.) This is an exercise to keep my Japanese-reading chops in shape as well, so apologies in advance for any mistranslations.

The topics covered run the gamut from politics to technology to anime to sex:
  1. Democracy (minshushugi)
  2. Religion (shuukyou)
  3. Sex (sekkusu)
  4. Nationalism (nashonarizumu)
  5. Revolution (kakumei)
  6. Constitution of Japan (Nihonkoku kenpou)
  7. The Internet (intaanetto)
  8. Mobile phones (keitai denwa)
  9. Stock investment (kabushiki toushi)
  10. Enka / J-pop
  11. Morning Musume (Mouningu musume)
  12. Martial arts (kakutougi)
  13. Alcohol (sake)
  14. No smoking (kin'en)
  15. Comic Market (Komike)
  16. Japanimation (Japanimeeshon)
  17. Godzilla / Ultraman (Gojira / Urutoraman)
  18. Gundam (Gandamu)
  19. Beautiful girls (bishoujo)
  20. Large breasts (kyonyuu)
  21. Moe
  22. Disney (Dizunii)
  23. Studio Ghibli (Giburi)
  24. Tatsunoko Productions (Tatsunoko)
  25. Tezuka Osamu / Kajiwara Ikki
  26. American comics (Amekomi)
  27. Mishima Yukio
  28. Modern poetry (gendaishi)
  29. Pure literature (junbungaku)
  30. Theatrical plays (engeki)
  31. Textbooks (kyoukasho)
  32. The emperor system (tennousei)
  33. Patriarchy (kafuchousei)
  34. Equality of the sexes (danjo byoudou)
  35. Youth (seishun)
  36. Terrorism (terorizumu)
  37. The Olympics (Orinpikku)
  38. Tanaka Kakuei / Koizumi Jun'ichiro
  39. Erotic books (ero hon)
  40. "Compensated dating" (enjo kousai)
  41. The occult (okaruto)
  42. Space travel (uchuu ryokou)
We'll begin today with the first one on the list, which conveniently has the shortest response:

1. Minshushugi (democracy) - "Dislike. Because it stinks of lies."

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