Sunday, September 30, 2007

Oshii-like Thinking, parts 2 and 3

See? I told you I wouldn't be able to keep up the daily updates. However, I didn't think it would happen so quickly. I do have an excuse, though, since I've been very sick. Now that I'm feeling better, here are the next two installments of "Oshii-like Thinking":

2. Religion (shuukyou) - "Yes, that's a nuanced topic. Actually, I am basically a religious person. By this I mean that somewhere there is something that is greater than human beings. However, I hate all of these so-called 'religious societies' or 'religious organizations.' That's my personal feeling."

3. Sex - "I love it. The reason is that it's necessary. Wars and sex are the only things people have been unable to stop."

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